Alaska Adventures – Eng

The purpose of the TransCanada Alaska Expedition is to retrace the trails used by the pioneers in the Gold Rush through different expeditions on skis and on foot, by bike and canoe, crossing parts of Canada and Alaska, including during the dreadful polar winter.
Alaska 2019 Ski Walking Winter Expedition will be the last part of this project.

Chilkoot Trail 2018 is at the heart of the project. An itinerant documentary by Rai 2 – Italy’s public broadcaster – on this famous path will tell the adventures of the legendary Klondike gold rush.



MacBride Museum of Yukon History Collection, image number 3626

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1100 Km from Fort Yukon to Anchorage

22 february - 18 april 2019


My passion for sports and the outdoors, and the dream of traveling to the lands of the Great North were some of the driving forces that motivated me to visit these fascinating and inhospitable territories…

My passion for sports and the outdoors, and the dream of traveling to the lands of the Great North
were some of the driving forces that motivated me to visit these fascinating and inhospitable territories…

…But what inspired me the most was the desire to learn about our recent past, and I started to look for pieces of news from the migrant pioneers who, at the end of the nineteenth century, left their native lands – Trentino and Italy – looking for work and fortune in Alaska and in the frozen Canadian North, choosing a path of hard work and struggles, as my grandfather did, in the epic Gold Rush

– Maurizio Belli

…But what inspired me the most was the desire to learn about our recent past, and I started to look for pieces of news from the migrant pioneers who, at the end of the nineteenth century, left their native lands – Trentino and Italy – looking for work and fortune in Alaska and in the frozen Canadian North, choosing a path of hard work and struggles, as my grandfather did, in the epic Gold Rush

– Maurizio Belli